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How to get rid of Folder icon on your Disk drives.

This is caused by a file that ends up on a PC (possibly some sort of virus), that doesn’t get picked up by the anti-virus software  or Super AntiSpyware or MalwareBytes. The file is called autorun.inf and it appears to be more of a nuisance than anything else.

However, This Malware can only be removed via the command prompt window through the steps listed below
  1. Click on the Start Menu and Type CMD, from there you will get your CMD match. Right-click on the CMD and Run it as an administrator.
  2. Type cd\ to get back to the root of the current drive.
  3. Type attrib -r -h -s autorun.inf — if the file doesn’t exist on that drive, you will get a message saying so and can skip to Step 5. If the file does exist, you will be returned to the drive’s prompt.
  4. Type del autorun.inf to delete the file.
  5. If you have other drives, check each one. Change the directory to the drive you want to check (e.g. cd d: to check your D: drive).
  6. Repeat Steps 3, 4, and 5 until you have checked and cleaned all drives.
  7. Reboot your computer.


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