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KSWEB - Web Development On Android

KSWEB – a suite of web developer for Android platform. It consists of: a web server, a PHP programming language, a database MySQL and msmtp for sendmail support. This suite allows you to organize a platform for running and debugging Web applications (sites) in your Android device and You don't need a root access to run KSWEB.
Otherwise, you can start your web server on 80 port. A user friendly interface of KSWeb and our online support leads you to realization of all your web projects. This software is shareware. You have a trial period of 5 days. The price of KSWEB PRO is $3.99. The price of KSWEB Standard is $2.99.

KSWEB includes:
- lighttpd server v1.4.34 (SSL)
- nginx v1.5.10 (SSL)
- PHP v5.4.24 (SSL)
- MySQL v5.1.62
- msmtp v1.4.31
- Web Interface v1.1
- online customer support via e-mail or blog (www.kslabs.ru)


Your can enable Web Inerface in the KSWEB "Tools" menu.
Default login information:
login: admin
password: admin

MySQL host: localhost (or
MySQL port: 3306
MySQL login "root" with empty password

Operating KSWEB is very simple. In order to start the server you only need to run the application, select, if necessary, port and the root directory. By default, KSWEB contains a fully functional configuration file of the server, PHP and MySQL. However, if you want to change them, go to the server options and click on the item “External INI”. Configuration files will be moved to SD-card of your device at “…/sdcard/ksweb/conf/”.


There are other free and paid apps that render similar service to KSWEB, please share your experience in the comment box and tell us about those apps.


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