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Setting Up A WAMP Server

WAMP server is a local server package for Windows which allows you to install and host web applications [PHP websites, wordpress, Joomla sites] that use Apache, PHP and MySQL. This post walks you through downloading, installing and setting up WAMP server for web development.
First you need to download the WAMP server from http://www.wampserver.com/en by going to the download section and choosing your System type 32 bit or 64 bit. If you don't know your system type, you can check it by going to Control Panel > System & Security > System.

After downloading the setup, open the downloads folder and double click on the .exe WAMP file you just downloaded. Select "Run" and follow the install prompts, check below for screenshots.

After finishing the installation, you need to start and this can be done by either clicking on one of the icons you created during the installation process or by going to Start -> All Programs -> WampServer folder and click on "startWampServer".

After starting your WAMP server an icon will appear in your task bar in 1 of 3 states.

  • Red, meaning no services on your WAMP server are currently running (when you first start the server it will be red, don’t panic, let it boot up.
  • Orange, meaning the WAMP server has been started, but not all of the services are running (again don’t panic, as the server starts it will transition from red to orange to green)
  • Green, meaning the WAMP server has been started and all it’s services are running correctly
Restart All Services

If everything installed properly, you can check that by entering this url in your web browser - http://localhost and you should see the following:

Congratulations! you have just downloaded, installed and set up a localhost on your machine which acts like a real live web server. You can upload your files to the www folder and you can access them through http://localhost/filename.php


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